How do you train for your first ultra marathon? New Story of “The Adventures of Ronald Tintin” for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017 (Pink October)

How do you train for your first ultra marathon? New Story of  “The Adventures of Ronald Tintin” for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017 (Pink October)

Hi dearest readers ;)

Travel, Fitness, Hiking; Walking and Run with The Adventures Of Ronald Tintin, The Diary of Sublima , Super Professeur rand Ronning Against Cancer to support :Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017 (Pink October 2017).

Coming soon...

Our new story about :

How do you train for your first ultra marathon (longer than the classic marathon distance of 26.2 miles)? New Story of The Adventures of Ronald Tintin for Breast Cancer Awareness (Pink October 2017)”

An ultra marathon, also called ultra distance or ultra running, is any footrace longer than the traditional marathon length of 42.195 kilometres (26.219 mi).

Sunday, July 23rd 2017 –  3rd  long run and walk
The most important #1 – “Become an expert in listening to your own body.’
Nice long run and walk (number 3) on Sunday 23rd July 2017 ;)
Time : around 2h30
Workout : 24 x (4’30’’ run / 1’30’’ walk)
Have a great Sunfay 23rd July 2017 ! 

Thursday, July 27th 2017 –  4th long run and walk
The most important #1 – “Become an expert in listening to your own body.’

Become an expert in listening to your own body.
Nice long run and walk (number 4) on Thursday 27th July 2017 ;)
Time : around 2h15
Workout : 22 x (4’30’’ run / 1’30’’ walk)
Have a great Thursday 27th July 2017 ! ;)

Sunday, July 30th 2017 –  5th  long run and walk (D day- 69)
The most important #1 – “Become an expert in listening to your own body.’
Nice long run and walk (number 5) on Sunday 30th July 2017 ;)
Time : around 2h50
Workout : 28 x (4’30’’ run / 1’30’’ walk)
Have a great Sunfay 30th July 2017 !  class=img role=presentation v:shapes="_x0000_i1032">;)

Save the Date : Saturday 7th  and Sunday 8th October 2017
24 heures du Quai du Cher / 24 heures Vierzon 2017 (8th edition) – Championnats de France des 24 heures 2017”  in France.

Ronald Tintin,Writer and Ultra Marathon Runner,

Founder of Super Professeur (Super Teacherto provide online education

and the project "Ronning Against Cancer" to support the fight against cancer !

 “ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”

Team Super Professeur, Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Marina Nival,Eve Bieuvelet, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Eleonore Julier, Olivia Koryczan,Florine Cornilleau, Pauline Pina Mertzig,Lyna Hussein, Fanny Georges, Sarah Mulot, Aurélie Robine, Laura Oliveira, Alexia Harris, Solyane Luthier, Marie Le Picard, Manon Delporte,Josephine Boulingez, Kenza Akrour, Souhaila Zamri, Hamza Bouri,Elise Marchand, dearest readers, followers…

Connect with us:


Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin


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