
Affichage des articles associés au libellé Covid 19

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Covid19 on Monday 14th February !!! From The Adventures of Ronald Tintin,The Diary of Sublima/ Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur, and Ronning Against Cancer

Happy Valentine's Day 2022 Covid19, Sunday 14 February !!! The Adventures of Ronald Tintin, The Diary Of Sublima - Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Covid19 on Monday 14 th February !!! From The Adventures of Ronald Tintin ,The Diary of Sublima/ Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin , Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur , and   Ronning AgainstCancer “Valentine’s Day, Around The World “- by Florine Cornilleau                                       

Happy Easter Sunday 2021,April 4th!From Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime De Sublima and Ronning Against Cancer. - Coronavirus (Covid19) Lockdown 2021 - Ronning Against Cancer to fight breast cancer, support people,and raise funds. Together, we can get of cancer! A project by Ronald Tintin

Happy Easter Sunday 2021,April 4th!From Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime De Sublima and Ronning Against Cancer. - Coronavirus (Covid19) Lockdown 2021 - Ronning Against Cancer to fight breast cancer, support people,and raise funds. Together, we can get of cancer! A project by Ronald Tintin Travel, Fitness, Health, Wellbeing, Weightloss, Workout, Nutrition, Entertainment, Muscular strength,dogood, Charity with the Ultra Marathon Runner and Race Walker Ronald Tintin.   Happy Easter 2021( Easter Sunday 2021, April 4 th ) during the Coronavirus Crisis (Covid19) in the world since March 2020 (Lockdown #3 in Paris France: from Saturday 3 rd April 2021 to Monday 3 rd May 2021 : Day 2), our new reality of quarantines and social distancing from SuperProfesseur , Ronning Against Cancer , The Diary Of  Sublima , The Adventures de Ronald Tintin ! Easter Sunday is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, as writt...

La Marche du Grand Est 2021, 17 & 18 avril 2021, de Domrémy La Pucelle à Epinal (Vosges) par l'association Sport'Aide - Ecrivain et Marathonien Ronald Tintin / The Writer Marathon Runner Ronald Tintin, The Founder of Ronning Against Cancer

La Marche du Grand Est 2021, 17 & 18 avril 2021, de Domrémy La Pucelle à Epinal (Vosges) par l'association Sport'Aide - Ecrivain et Marathonien Ronald Tintin / The Writer Marathon Runner Ronald Tintin, The Founder of Ronning Against Cancer Race Walking (Saturday 17 th and Sunday 18th April 2021) – La Marche du Grand Est 2021 “de Domremy la Pucelle à Epinal” (Vosges)     « De Domremy la Pucelle à Épinal »   L'ASSOCIATION SPORT'AIDE ORGANISE SUR 2 JOURS   - LES EPREUVES DU GRAND EST - Ouvertes aux catégories de Masters 0 à 4, Séniors, Espoirs, (Juniors pour les petites épreuves à étapes la Vosgienne)                                          * Une épreuve de 100 km Ouverte aux coureurs et marcheurs de grand fond (homme, f...