THE DEATH OF SLIM SHADY (COUP DE GRÂCE) by Eminem - out now today on Friday 12th July 2024!! ☠️ SuperProfesseur & Ronald Tintin recommend you to listen to this new album.

THE DEATH OF SLIM SHADY (COUP DE GRÂCE) by Eminem - out now today on Friday 12 th July 2024!! ☠ ️ SuperProfesseur & Ronald Tintin recommend you to listen to this new album. @eminem #TheDeathOfSlimShady #CoupDeGrace #Eminem #Rap #music #EminemMusic #hiphop 1. Renaissance 2. Habits 3 . Trouble 4 . Brand New Dance 5 . Evil 6 . All You Got (skit) 7 . Lucifer 8 . Antichrist 9 . Fuel 10 . Road Rage 11 . Houdini 12 . Breaking News (skit) 13 . Guilty Conscience 2 14 . Head Honcho 15 . Temporary 16 . Bad One 17 . Tobey 18 . Guess Who’s Back (skit) 19 . Somebody Save Me