
Affichage des articles associés au libellé Elise Marchand

Résultats BAC 2015. Félicitations à Elise Marchand,Aurélie Robine , Claudia Barros Gameiro,Camille Muscianese,Emilie Gouffé !

Résultats BAC 2015, mardi 7 juillet ! Baccalauréat technologique. Série Sciences et Technologies du management et de la gestion et l’application mobile de Super Professeur :   BRAVO aux nouvelles bachelières et futures étudiantes pour votre succès au  BAC  2015 ! Toutes nos félicitations à : Elise Marchand  : Admise Claudia Marina Barros Gameiro  : Admise. MENTION ASSEZ BIEN Camille Muscianese : Admise Emilie   Jacqueline Yvette   Gouffé  : Admise. MENTION ASSEZ BIEN Johanna   Anissa Lucienne   Victoire  : Admise. MENTION BIEN Océane   Geneviève Marcelle   Polin  : Admise. MENTION ASSEZ BIEN Christina Sirivanh Mathouchanh : Admise Elisa   Stephanie   Milosavljevic  : Admise Aurélie Robine  : Admise Laura Oliveira  : Admise. MENTION ASSEZ BIEN Alexia Harris  : Adm...

Ressources Humaines et Communication - Programme officiel de la spécialité bac STMG (Sciences et Technologies du Management et de la Gestion) sur

Programme officiel de la spécialité « Ressources Humaines et Communication »  de la série du cycle terminal STMG (sciences et technologies du management et de la gestion) – BAC STMG sur   Cours de Ressources Humaines et Communication (STMG, BTS, DUT tertiaire, Licence de gestion, Ecoles supérieures de Commerce et de Management, Master, chef d’Entreprise, Entrepreneur, gestion des administrations, gestion des associations, Formation professionnelle...) avec et l’application mobile de Super Professeur :   BAC STMG -  Programme officiel de la spécialité Ressources Humaines et Communication est disponible sur  le site   et   l’application mobile de Super Professeur :   Thème 1 : Mobilisation/Motivation Thème 2 : Compétences/Potentiel Thème 3 :...

Run without eating and drinking on Tuesday morning, August 18th 2015 !!! Fitness,Love,Sport, Health and Wellness with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer !!!

Lose weight, Fitness,Love,Sport, Health and Wellness with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer and to raise funds !!! Ronning Against Cancer’s morning run without eating and drinking on Tuesday, August 18th 2015 !!!   and the application :   Hi  dearest readers ;) Lose weight, Fitness,Love,Sport, Health and Wellness with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer and to raise funds !!! Are you ready for a morning run without eating and drinking on Tuesday, August 18th 2015 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Time : 1h10’ Distance : 15 km Feel so good to run with great motivation!!! Have a nice Tuesday with the power of posivite thoughts !!! J To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” : “Together, we can get rid of cancer”, feel free to...
Love,Fitness, Hope, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s speed running workout 3 x (5’ FAST / 2’ REST) on Wednesday morning, August 12 th  2015 !!!   and the application :   Hi  dearest readers ;) Love,Fitness, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer and raise funds !!!    Are you ready for  a speed running workout on Wednesdy morning, August 12 th    2015   ?   Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! 1. Warm up : 30’ 2. Speed running workout 3 x (5’ FAST / 2’ REST) on 3. Cooldown run : 30’ Time : 1h21’ Distance : 16.5 km Feel so good to run with great motivation!!! Have a nice Wednesday with the power of posivite thoughts !!! J To know mo...

Love,Fitness, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, August 7th 2015 !!!

Hi  dearest readers ;) Love,Fitness, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Are you ready for a great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, August 7 th 2015 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Running Uphilll/ downhill : 1h40’ Distance : 20 km Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer and Cancer Awareness !!! Have a great Friday with positive thoughts !!! J To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” 2015: Together, we can get rid of cancer”, feel free to follow and support us:

BAC STMG - Programme officiel de la spécialité Gestion et Finance - bu et l’application

Programme officiel de la spécialité GESTION & FINANCE  de la série du cycle terminal STMG (sciences et technologies du management et de la gestion) – BAC STMG sur   Cours de Gestion et finance (STMG, BTS, DUT tertiaire, Licence de gestion, Ecoles supérieures de Commerce et de Management, Master, chef d’Entreprise, Entrepreneur, gestion des administrations, gestion des associations, Formation professionnelle...) avec et l’application mobile de Super Professeur :   BAC STMG -  Programme officiel de la spécialité Gestion & Finance est disponible sur  le site et l’application mobile de Su per Professeur :   Thème I. Construire une image de l’entreprise Thème II. Analyser la situation de l’entreprise Thème III. Accompagner la prise de décision

L’information financière - Cours de Gestion et finance (STMG, BTS, chef d’Entreprise, Entrepreneur, Formation professionnelle...) avec et l’application mobile

Thème 1 : Construire une image de l’entreprise Question de gestion 1 - Pourquoi construire une image financière ? 1.1. L’information financière Cours de Gestion et finance (STMG, BTS, DUT tertiaire, Licence de gestion, Ecoles supérieures de Commerce et de Management, Master, chef d’Entreprise, Entrepreneur, gestion des administrations, gestion des associations, Formation professionnelle...) avec et l’application mobile de Super Professeur :   Plan  du cours    1. La place et le rôle de l’information financière dans les processus de l’entreprise    2. Les besoins d’informations financières des parties prenantes L’information financière correspond à la transcription de l’ensemble des évènements financiers (achats, ventes, constatation des salaires…) qui se sont produits dans l’entreprise et entre l’entreprise et ses partenaires au cours d’un ou plusieurs ...

Happy Bastille Day in France on Tuesday, July 14th!!! Sport, Fitness, Wellbeing with great motivation to tthe fight against cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s nice Bastille Day recovery run 20 km in 1h59’!!!

  Hi  dearest readers ;) Tuesday, July 14 th   2015 Today is Bastille Day (July 14 th ) in France. Bastille Day is a day of celebrations of French culture. Many large-scale public events are held, including a military parade in Paris, as well as communal meals, dances, parties and fireworks. Happy Bastille Day in France!!! ;) Sport, Fitness, Wellbeing with great motivation to tthe fight against cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s nice Bastille Day recovery run on Tuesday morning, July 14th 2015 !!! Are you ready for a nice Bastille Day recovery run on Tuesday morning, July 14th 2015 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Time : 1h59’ Distance : 20 km Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer and Cancer Awareness !!! Have a great Bastille Day with positive thoughts !!! J To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning ...

Congratulations Elise Marchand for your BAC 2015 !!! Ronning Against Cancer’s great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, July 10th 2015 !!!

Congratulations Elise Marchand for your BAC 2015 !!! Sport, Fitness, Wellbeing with great motivation to tthe fight against cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, July 10th 2015 !!! UPCOMING event “SWISS IRON TRAIL” to support the fight against cancer on Friday, August 14 th 2015. Hi  dearest readers ;) Ronning Against Cancer , Super Professeur and Ronald Tintin want to congratulate Elise Marchand for her BAC 2015 : “CONGRATULATIONS Elise Marchand for your BAC 2015! Great job and you did it, champion !!!” J Sport, Fitness, Wellbeing with great motivation to tthe fight against cancer. Ronning Against Cancer’s great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, July 10th 2015 !!! Are you ready for a great running uphill / downhill on Friday morning, July 10th 2015 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Running Uphilll/ downhill : 1h40’ ...

10 km de l’Equipe 2015 in Paris to support the fight against cancer on Sunday, June 14th 2015 !!! Go go go Claudia Barros Gameiro, Camille Muscianese, Elise Marchand and Emilie Gouffé for the BAC 2015 (Wednesday, June 17th – Wednesday, June 24th )!

Image , Ronald Tintin and   support the fight against cancer  and Institut Curie   during the race « 10 km de l’Equipe » in Paris on Sunday morning, June 14th 2015 !!! Go go go Claudia Barros Gameiro, Camille Muscianese,Elise Marchand and Emilie Gouffé for the BAC 2015 (Wednesday, June 17 th – Wednesday, June 24 th )! Hi  dearest readers ;) Running for Fitness, Wellbeing and Health by supporting the fight against cancer to raise funds. , Ronald Tintin and   support the fight against cancer  and Institut Curie  during the race « 10 km de l’Equipe » in Paris on Sunday morning, June 14th 2015 !!! Distance : 10 km Time : 38’07’’’ Ranking : 313 th / 18 152 We think of Claudia Barros Gameiro, Camille Muscianese, Elise Marchand and Emilie Gouffé for the BAC 2015  (Wednesday, June 17 t...