Travel, Fitness, Weightloss, The Adventures of Ronald Tintin,Last Recovery Run / Walk with running shoes Adidas Adios Boost 3 on Wednesday 12 September 2018 in the morning on an empty stomach (Day #10) Post ultra marathon race (24 hour run race ’24 heures de bonheur – 24 heures de Villenave d’Ornon ) ..So good with great feelings ;) Never forget, Goodbye and Thank you.
Travel, Fitness, Weightloss, The Diary of Ronald Tintin,Last Recovery Run / Walk with running shoes Adidas Adios Boost 3 on Wednesday 12 September 2018 in the morning on an empty stomach (Day #10) Post ultra marathon race (24 hour run race ’24 heures de bonheur – 24 heures de Villenave d’Ornon ) ..So good with great feelings ;) Never forget, Goodbye and Thank you. Goodbye and thank you Adidas Adios Boost 3, my best running shoes for running and race walking from April (Marathon de Paris) to September 2018 ( ultra marathon race : 24 hour run race ’24 heures de bonheur – 24 heures de Villenave d’Ornon ) !!! Never forget Personal BEST with you Adidas Adios Boost 3 : Marathon de Paris (running race) on the road 2 heures Marche (race walking) de Neuilly-sur-Marne on the road / track 5000 m Marche (race waliking) Meeting de VilleJuif on the track 5000 m Marche (race waliking) Interclubs 1er tour à Antony on the track 2 heures Marche (race walking)...