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Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Covid19 on Monday 14th February !!! From The Adventures of Ronald Tintin,The Diary of Sublima/ Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur, and Ronning Against Cancer

Happy Valentine's Day 2022 Covid19, Sunday 14 February !!! The Adventures of Ronald Tintin, The Diary Of Sublima - Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 Covid19 on Monday 14 th February !!! From The Adventures of Ronald Tintin ,The Diary of Sublima/ Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin , Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur , and   Ronning AgainstCancer “Valentine’s Day, Around The World “- by Florine Cornilleau                                       

Valentine’s Day long run in the Nature on Saturday morning, February 14th 2015 !!! Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer and Cancer Awareness !!! Happy Valentine’s Day with the power of Love

Hi  dearest readers ;) Are you ready for a nice long run today? Valentine’s Day long run in the Nature on Saturday morning, February 14 th 2015 !!! Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Time : 3h10’ Distance : 30 km Have a Happy Velentine’s Day with thepower of Love! J To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” 2015: Together, we can get rid of cancer”. Ronald Tintin,

Ronning Against Cancer’s results « Les Foulées de Vincennes » to support the fight against cancer (breast cancer) and International Women’s Day with great motivation and wellness on Sunday morning, February 8th 2015 !!!

Ronning Against Cancer’s results « Les Foulées de Vincennes » to support the fight against cancer (breast cancer) and International Women’s Day with great motivation and wellness on Sunday morning, February 8th 2015 !!! Time : 38’15’’ General Rank : 360 ème /2092 Have a great Sunday !!! To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” 2015: Together, we can get rid of cancer”. Ronald Tintin,

Our homage to victims of Charlie Hebdo attack on January 7th 2015 before the running race event “Les Foulées de Vincennes” (10 km). One month later on Saturday, February 7th 2015...

Hi  dearest readers ;) Are you ready for a nice long run today? Our homage to victims of Charlie Hebdo attack on January 7th 2015 before the running race event “Les Foulées de Vincennes” (10 km). One month later on Saturday, February 7th 2015... Ronning Against Cancer’s nice running on Saturday morning, February 7th 2015! Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer and Cancer Awareness !!! Time : 1h20 Distance : 16 km Have a nice Saturday night with the power of Positive Motivation ! J To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” 2015: Together, we can get rid of cancer”. Ronald Tintin,

Charlie Hebdo attack on Wednesday, January 7th 2015. Our Homage to the victims. Ronning Against Cancer’s long run on Sunday morning, January 11th 2015 ! Je Suis Charlie. Pay our respects to the victims and demonstrate our determination to defend the democracy, press and free speech.

Hi  dearest readers ;) Ronning Against Cancer’s long run with uphill/ downhill run on Sunday morning, January 11th 2015 ! Pay our respects to the victims and demonstrate our determination to defend the democracy, press and free speech. Time : 2h40 Disatance : 30 km To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” 2015: Together, we can get rid of cancer”.

Happy New Year's Eve on Wednesday, December 31st 2014!!! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Ronning Against Cancer! Thank you for your faithfulness in 2014

Happy New Year's Eve   on Wednesday, December 31 st 2014!!! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Ronning Against Cancer! Thank you for your faithfulness in 2014 J Have a wonderful day !!! To know more and follow Ronning Against Cancer's project 2015 : Together, we can get rid of cancer”.

Life is a flower of which love is the honey . BACK TO RUN!!! Ronning Against Cancer’s great long run on Sunday morning, December 14th 2014 !!! Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against Cancer.

Hi  dearest readers ;) Are you ready for a great long running today? Ronning Against Cancer’s great long run on Sunday morning, December 14 th 2014 !!! Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against Cancer and Breast Cancer! !!! Have a nice fall day! J Distance : 22.0 km Time : 1h48’ Life is a flower of which love is the honey . BACK TO RUN !!! The weather is cold, but nice to run with well-being and great motivation ;-) A really nice fall day !!!;) We love you ;) To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” : Together, we can get rid of cancer”. Ronald Tintin,

Les personnes les plus fortes dans ce monde sont souvent celles qui ont combattu seules - Proverbe, citation et pensée positive pour vivre avec bien-être, bonheur, sourire ,motivation, amour, courage…Le Journal Intime de Sublima.

Hello très chères lectrices et chers lecteurs ;) Voici le proverbe et citation du jour : « Les personnes les plus fortes dans ce monde sont souvent celles qui ont combattu seules. » Pensées positives et motivation pour vivre en restant zen ;) Pour avoir plus d’informations sur le projet de Ronal Tintin “Ronning Against Cancer” : Together, we can get rid of cancer”.

Etre cher, Le temps passe Et il passe vite,Même trop vite. Poème / Pensée poistive by Ronald Tintin

Etre cher, Le temps passe Et il passe vite, Même trop vite. Profite donc De chaque instant !!!  Ronald Tintin

Saint Valentin 2015 (samedi 14 février) – Origine et histoire de la St Valentin, la fête des amoureux. Valentine's Day, February 14th.

Samedi 14 février 2015 sera la Saint Valentin. La fête des amoureux, célébrée le 14 février, est parfois perçue comme un événement commercial et superficiel. Pourtant, la tradition de la Saint-Valentin est bien ancrée en France puisque près de 60 % de nos concitoyens la célèbre chaque année. Ce jour n'est donc pas comme les autres pour les couples.   A la proche de la fête des amoureux pour certains ou juste une opération marketing pour d’autres, voici l’origine de cette fête. L'origine de la St-Valentin   Depuis le IIIe siècle, le 14 février s'est transformé en fête pour les amoureux. St-Valentin , patron des amoureux, est en fait un prêtre mort martyrisé par les Romains, le 14 février 270. À cette époque Valentin s'attira la colère de l'empereur Claude II qui venait d'abolir le mariage, car il trouvait que les hommes mariés faisaient de piètres soldats parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas abandonner leur famille.   Valentin encourage alors...