What is Marketing ? Definition of Marketing on www.SuperProfesseur.com by Professeur Ronald Tintin

What is Marketing ? Definition of Marketing Marketing courses (Business, Management school, Business school, Entrepreneur, Vocational Training, Management, Organinization, Individual, Government...) with www.SuperProfesseur.com and mobile application of Super Professeur : aideetreussite.superprofesseur.com © Ronald Tintin, Ronning Against Cancer I. Marketing - Definition II. Goal of Marketing III. The Importance of Marketing for the Success of a Business I. Marketing - definition Marketing is both an Arrt and a Science. http://www.superprofesseur.com/296.html https://youtu.be/ziAUVBRD_qA http://www.slideshare.net/RonaldTintin/what-is-marketing-definition-of-marketing-on-wwwsuperprofesseurcom-by-professeur-ronald-tintin https://www.facebook.com/SuperProfesseur/videos/vb.173344822702637/1043527835684327/?type=2&theater