Grand Raid Golfe du Morbihan: Ultra Marin (177 km around one most beautiful bays in the world to support the “Institut Curie” and the fight against breast cancer: in June 27th , 28th and 29th 2014. New Journey of Ronald Tintin within the framework of the Project " Ronning Against Cancer “ 2014.

Hi dearest readers ;)

Here is the place of the new journey of Ronald Tintin within the framework of the Project " Ronning Against Cancer " to support the “Institut Curie” and the fight against breast cancer..

Trail of 177km round the beautiful Gulf of Morbihan

A one stage, free-style, day and night foot race around a looped circuit on varied terrain in the Gulf of Morbihan that includes a ten minute mid-race boat crossing from Locmariaquer to Port-Navalo. Maximum completion time is set at 42 hours (including all breaks and boat crossing). Runners are required to clock in within the required time limits at various check points (§3 of rules).
The terrain rises to approximately 1042 metres and 80% of the course takes place on trails around the Gulf of Morbihan marked out by Morbihan General Council. The race circuit does not present any major technical challenges.

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