World Cancer Day 2019, 4th February. World Cancer Day Theme 2019 - 2021 "I Am and I Will."Supported by Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin,Super Professeur - Ronning Against Cancer to fight breast cancer, support people,and raise funds. Together, we can get of cancer! A project by Ronald Tintin
World Cancer Day 2019, 4th February. World Cancer Day Theme 2019 - 2021 "I Am and I Will."Supported by Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin,Super Professeur - Ronning Against Cancer to fight breast cancer, support people,and raise funds. Together, we can get of cancer! A project by Ronald Tintin
World Cancer Day 2019 (4th February). World Cancer Day 2019 – 2021
World Cancer Day 2019 (4th February). World Cancer Day 2019 – 2021
Theme “I am
and I Will.” (#IamAndIWill).
Supported by Les
Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima,
Super Professeur, and Ronning Against Cancer to
support Charity and raise funds
#IamAndIWill #WorldCancerDay2019 #Charity #Health #CancerCharity #JourneeMondialeContreLeCancer
#WCD2019 #2019WCD #Sports #fashion #model #mannequin #Coaching #RonaldTintin #DoGood #Socent #inspiration
#LesAventuresDeRonaldTintin #LeJournalIntimeDeSublima #SuperProfesseur #RonningAgainstCancer #JeSuisJeVais #YoSoyYVoyA #Travel #Happiness #Lifestyle #Wellbeing #Fitness #Prevention #Fundraising #Crowdfunding #CancerAwareness
#BreastCancerAwareness #workout #TheDiaryOfSublima #TheAdventuresOfRonaldTintin
#marathon #racewalking #marcheathletique
#IamAndIWill #WorldCancerDay2019 #Charity #Health #CancerCharity #JourneeMondialeContreLeCancer
#WCD2019 #2019WCD #Sports #fashion #model #mannequin #Coaching #RonaldTintin #DoGood #Socent #inspiration
#LesAventuresDeRonaldTintin #LeJournalIntimeDeSublima #SuperProfesseur #RonningAgainstCancer #JeSuisJeVais #YoSoyYVoyA #Travel #Happiness #Lifestyle #Wellbeing #Fitness #Prevention #Fundraising #Crowdfunding #CancerAwareness
#BreastCancerAwareness #workout #TheDiaryOfSublima #TheAdventuresOfRonaldTintin
#marathon #racewalking #marcheathletique