Race Walking – What is race walking? Definition of race walking

Race Walking – What is race walking? Definition of race walking
Race Walking ( Workout, Fitness, Travel,Sports, Wellness, Health, Training,

What is race walking? 

Definition of Race Walking

"Race Walking is a progression of steps so taken that the walker makes contact with the ground, so that no visible (to the human eye) loss of contact occurs. 
The advancing leg shall be straightened (i.e. not bent at the knee) from the moment of first contact with the ground until the vertical upright position."

If this sounds complicated, just think of the old phrase ‘heel and toe walking’.
Land on your heel (not a judging requirement but good practice) and turn up the toe; you will find your leading leg is straight

Race walking is the activity or competitive sport of walking at a very fast pace.

‘the two main muscle groups used while race walking are the abdominal and glute muscles’

Race walking is an event contested in all levels of the sport of track & field, from youth athletics up to and including the Olympic Games. Race walking combines the endurance of the long distance runner with the attention to technique of a hurdler or shot putter. Producing less impact, this technically demanding event continues to grow in popularity across the younger and older age groups for its fitness and competitive aspects.

Race walking differs from running in that it requires the competitor to maintain contact with the ground at all times and requires the leading leg to be straightened as the foot makes contact with the ground. It must remain straightened until the leg passes under the body. Judges evaluate the technique of race walkers and report fouls which may lead to disqualification. All judging is done by the eye of the judge and no outside technology is used in making judging decisions.

To know more :

Founder of Super Professeur (Great Teacher) to promote online education in Markeing, Fitness
Founder of the project  Ronning Against Cancer to support the fight against canacer and raise funds for charity.
“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”


Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , mobile.superprofesseur.com and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin


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