Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018 in October - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur , Marie-Joelle Magne, and Les Aventures de Ronald Tinti

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018 in October - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur , Marie-Joelle Magne, and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

Hi dearest readers ;)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month October 2016 - Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur , Eve Bieuvelet, , Btecem Riche, and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a worldwide annual campaign involving thousands of organisations, to highlight the importance of breast awareness, education and research.
1. Breast Cancer Facts - in the world
2. What is Breast Cancer ?

Ronald Tintin, Founder of the projet “Ronning Against Cancer”

Join us (Team Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima,Ronning Against Cancer, Joelle Magne, Super Professeur) to show that together ‘We can. I can.’ make a difference in the fight against breast cancer in October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month .


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