Course solidaire "Je cours, je donne, j'agis contre la maladie de Charcot" on Sunday 16 June 2019 in Bois de Vincennes to support the non-profit organization ARSLA by Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima,Super Professeur, Ronning Against Cancer
Back to running 10km since December 2017 with the charity running "Je cours, je donne, j'agis contre la maladie de Charcot" in Bois de Vincennes jjust for charity today on Sunday 16th June 2019 by supporting Women's football in France from Friday 7th June 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019 : 3rd / 276 runners! with great feelings to support the non-profit organization ARSLA !!! The project Ronning Against Cancer supports 'Institut Curie" by wearing the orange T-Shisrt. Ronald Tintin, Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, The Diary of Sublima #maladiedecharcot #ARSLA #SLA #running #racewalking #marcheathletique #track #field #nature #training #travel #sharing #fitness #workout #sport #nature #trail #institutcurie #ronaldtintin #ronningagainstcancer #superprofesseur #fashion #inspiration #model #manneq...