Interclubs LIFA PromoN2D on Sunday 5th May 2019 : 4 x 100m Relay Women w...
Championship "Championnats Interclubs LIFA 2019 Promotion N2D in Meaux"- 5000m Race Walking : Ronald Tintin’s Victory and new personal record. Save the date and the place to be “ Championnats d'Interclubs LIFA 2019 PromoN2d ” Meaux on Sunday, May 5 th 2019. Supported by Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin , Super Professeur, mobile application of Super Professeur : mobile , and Ronning Against Cancer Travel, fitness,Ronald Tintin 's happiness today on Sunday 5th May 2019 in the morning : great 5000m Men Race walking with new personal record and victory during the championships "Championnats Interclubs LIFA PromoN2D" in Meaux !!! :) Congratulations Tiphaine Calvier-Moisson for 400 M Hurdles Women, High Jump Women and 4 x 100m Relay Women ! Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Ronning Against Cancer