Happy Birthday to Coach Jean-Jacques Minne !!! Ronning Against Cancer and Ronald Tintin’s first muscular strength and speed workout on Monday night, March 27th 2017 !!!
Happy Birthday to Jean-Jacques Minne !!! Ronning Against Cancer and Ronald Tintin’s first muscular strength and speed workout on Monday night, March 27 th 2017 !!! www.SuperProfesseur.com and the mobile application : mobile.superprofesseur.com , Ronning Against Cancer Hi dearest readers ;) Today (Tuesday, March 27 th 2017) is Jean-Jacques Minne’s birthday. Happy Birthday to you Jean-Jacques Minne !!! From Ronning Against Cancer , Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and www.mobile.superprofesseur.com https://fr.slideshare.net/RonaldTintin/happy-birthday-to-you-jeanjacques-minne-from-ronning-against-cancer-ronald-tintin-wwwsuperprofesseurcom-and-wwwmobilesuperprofesseurcom Ronning Against Cancer and Ronald Tintin’s first muscular strength and speed workout on Monday night, March 27 th 2017 !!! Travel, Run; Love,Fitness, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing and Personal Development with great motivation to support the fig...