
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2016

Last run in January 2016 - Marathon training to support the Fight Against Cancer and raise funds to support people. Marathon training : last great long run on Sunday, January 31st 2016!!! Supported by Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein, Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer !!! and the mobile

Hi  dearest readers ;) Last run in January 2016 - Marathon training to support the Fight Against Cancer and raise funds to support people. Marathon   training : last great long run on Sunday, January 31 st 2016!!! Love,Fitness, Hope, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation  to support the fight against breast cancer and raise funds. Supported by Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein, Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer !!!   and the mobile application :   Are you ready for  a great last great long run on Sunday, January 31 st 2016 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Time : 2h05” Distance : 28 km Feel so good to run with great motivation for l ast run in January 2016 !!! Have a nice Sunday with the power of posivite thoughts !!!   ;) To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning A...

Mademoiselle Ile De France 2016 - Election Mademoiselle Ile De France samedi 23 janvier 2016 au Théâtre Silvia Monfort, Saint-Brice sous Forêt

Save the date and the place to be in Saint-Brice sous Forêt by Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein and Ronnaing Against Cancer on Saturday, January 23 rd 2016 !!! Mademoiselle Ile de France prépare sa cinquième édition le samedi 23 janvier 2016 ! Venez découvrir les candidates : qui sera la prochaine ambassadrice régionale ? Mademoiselle Ile De France est un concours de beauté spécifique aux jeunes filles ayant entre 16 ans révolus et 19 ans non r évolus. Il faut résider en Ile De France, et être de nationalité française. L'élection en Ile De France est une demi finale et elle est qualificative pour Mademoiselle France. Un concours de beauté ? Oui, mais pas seulement ! "Mademoiselle" est également un concept prônant la culture, les valeurs & le talent. Les candidates ont un passage "passion" leur laissant la scène libre durant un court instant, afin qu'elles puissent exprimer leur fibre artistique ou sportive.   Chloé Dirras...

The Woman of the Day is Lyna Hussein !!! Ronning Against Cancer’s nice running on Saturday night, January 16th 2016 !!! Happy Birthday to Lyna Hussein !!!

The Woman of the Day is Lyna Hussein !!! Ronning Against Cancer’s nice running on Saturday night, January 16 th 2016 !!! Happy Birthday to Lyna Hussein !!!   and the mobile application :   Hi  dearest readers ;) Love,Fitness, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Before our running workout on Saturday, let’s wish : “HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lyna Hussein!!!” Are you ready for a   nice running on Saturday night, January 16 th 2016   ?   Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Running  : 1h20’ Distance : 18 km Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer and Cancer Awareness !!! Have a great Saturday with positive thoughts !!!   :) To know more about Ronald Tintin’s project “Ronning Against Cancer” : “Togethe...


Save the date and the place to be in Bagneux by Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein and Ronnaing Against Cancer on Sunday, January 10 th 2016 !!! CHAMPIONNATS DEPARTEMENTAUX DE CROSS HAUTS DE SEINE ET PARIS Dimanche 10 Janvier 2016 BAGNEUX – Parc des Sports, avenue Albert Petit et rue des Blains Pour toutes informations sur les championnats départementaux de cross Hauts de Seine (92) et Paris (75) :

Economie / Droit/ Finance / Vie quotidienne - Ce qui change au 1er janvier 2016 en France : Prime d'activité, La taxe tampon, tarifs du gaz, hausse des taxes sur les carburants, l'interdiction des sacs plastiques à usage unique dans les supermarchés… avec, Ronald Tintin, Lyna Hussein, Ronning Against Cancer et l’application mobile de SuperProfesseur

Economie / Droit/ Finance / Vie quotidienne - Ce qui change au 1er janvier 2016 en France : Prime d'activité, La taxe tampon, tarifs du gaz, hausse des taxes sur les carburants, l'interdiction des sacs plastiques à usage unique dans les supermarchés… avec, Ronald Tintin, Lyna Hussein, Ronning Against Cancer et l’application mobile de SuperProfesseur Mesures sociales, tarifications, chaque année, le 1er janvier est synonyme de changement en France. - La Prime d'activité est mise en place - Pas de coup de pouce pour le Smic (salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance) - La taxe tampon (les protections hygiéniques féminines) baisse - Le prix du timbre augmente - La complémentaire santé devient obligatoire en entreprise - Les nouvelles régions entrent en scène - Les taxes sur les carburants augmentent - Les tarifs réglementés au gaz baissent de 2% - …

Happy New Year 2016 : First long uphill/downhill running (25 km for 2h05) in 2016 on Friday, January 1st 2016! Love,Fitness, Hope, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer and raise funds. From Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein, Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer !!!

Hi  dearest readers ;) Happy New Year 2016 : First long uphill/downhill running (25 km for 2h05) in 2016 on Friday, January 1 st 2016! Love,Fitness, Hope, Sport,Passion,Wellbeing with great motivation to support the fight against breast cancer and raise funds. From Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein, Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer !!!   and the mobile application :   Are you ready for a first uphill//downhill running in 2016 on Friday night, Jnauary 1 st 2016 ? Ronning Against Cancer with Great motivation and wellness to support the fight against breast cancer !!! Time : 2h05 Distance : 25 km Feel so good to run with great motivation for Happy New Year 2016 !!! Happy New Year 2016 from Super Professeur, Lyna Hussein, Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer !!! “ As another brilliant year comes to an end we look forward to what 2016 brings. New adventures, prosperity and a...

Happy New Year 2016 !!! From Ronning Against Cancer, Ronald Tintin, Lyna Hussein and Super Professeur.

Ronald Tintin 2016 New Year Greetings!Happy New Year 2016 !!! From Ronning Against Cancer, Ronald Tintin, Lyna Hussein and Super Professeur Happy New Year 2016 !!! The best for the New Year! From Ronning Against Cancer, Ronald Tintin, Lyna Hussein and Super Professeur